Rue du Pourtalou
12230 La Cavalerie
Phone : 05 65 62 78 73 - Fax : 05 65 62 78 73
http://www.lacavalerie.frFor a long time, the Cavalry establishes(constitutes) the compulsory stop(ruling) for the travelers crossing the unlimitedness of the tray(plateau) of Larzac. The Knight Templars developed a village there which Hospital workers strengthened. Ramparts were the object of important works of restoration(catering) since 1997. Henceforth, we reach the covered way on 220 metres. This route(course) offers an open view on the areas(extents) of Larzac, the Mountains of Lévezou and Cevennes. Inside, we keep(guard) the memory(souvenir) of a not only agricultural activity, but also commercial: mansions and small former(ancient) or new workshops. At present, it is outside that you will find most of the businesses, the hotels and the restaurants which will welcome you before or after the visit of the former(ancient) village which " returns to the life ".