
Tempo libero natura e sport , Sport aerei dans l'Ariège

    Air Sports
    Take the height and use the impressive view which presents itself to you. You let hit to the rhythm of winds above landscapes. That you are beginner or experienced, air sports, it is every time an experience unforgettable and rich in emotions. Accomplish a dream, fly off(vanish) and appreciate this feeling of freedom!

    Through landscapes in the extraordinary reliefs, come to discover the joy of jump in parachute or of paraglider in a playground in the incredible dimensions. You let hit to the rhythm of winds above landscapes. Beginner or experienced, air sports, it is surely, a whiff of adrenalin and a good dose of emotions.

    Take the height and use the impressive view which presents itself to you. In hang-glider or in hot-air balloon, take your takeoff and appreciate this unique instant of freedom. Between heaven and earth, live this experience intensely unforgettable and rich in emotions.
3 dans l'Ariège.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans l'Ariège é gratuito
foto di Ecole de parapente FFVL Gypaètes
  • Bassa stagione 50€ a 300€
  • Media stagione 50€ a 300€
  • Alta stagione 50€ a 300€
  • Vacanze scolastiche 50€ a 300€

Sport aerei a Foix

Ecole de parapente FFVL Gypaètes

Gypaètes -BP05 09000 Foix (Ariège)
Tel : 06 78 55 39 26
FFVL Paragliding school creating in 2000 will enjoy to share with you their passion. Come in Ariege, flying with us : tandem, paragliding courses, advanced courses... Join the free spirit !

Sport aerei a Saint-Lizier

Ballon Bleu Horizon: La Montgolfière Passionnément

Tritz Eric Aérodrome de SAINT-GIRONS Antichan 09190 Saint-Lizier (Ariège)
Tel : 06 98 19 30 00
Ballon Bleu Horizon Home page - Hot air balloon rides in Ariege - Toulouse - Pyrenees mountains
Take to the airs! Free yourself from your routine!
Flights can be organised all year long, on days ...
foto di Kymaya parapente
  • Bassa stagione 50€ a 110€

Sport aerei a Tarascon-sur-Ariège

Kymaya parapente

Carli hélio Ancienne ecole 09400 Tarascon-sur-Ariège (Ariège)
Tel : 06 25 79 16 51
Il parapendio scuola Kymaya vi dà il benvenuto nei Pirenei, nel cuore della Haute Ariege nella bella regione del Midi-Pirenei. Offriamo un'ora di Tolosa, tra Foix e Tarascon-sur-Ariege battesimi ...
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans l'Ariège é gratuito