
Patrimonio da  visitare , Città e paesi dans le Gers

    Cities and Villages
    In the bend of a street or an alley, discover in the course of your walks the secrets of cities and villages of our regions. Remarkable facades, places, houses of times and many other hidden treasures, here is which treasures offer themselves to you. Picturesque villages of countrysides in the big metropolises, take time to promenade and to appreciate.
2 dans le Gers.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans le Gers é gratuito

Città e paesi a Goutz

les vestiges du chateau

Charlou Village 32500 Goutz (Gers)
Tel : 05 34 60 14 41  - Cellulare : 06 84 59 71 22
Le Village de Goutz est un petit village du Gers en Gascogne dont l'origine du nom vient des Goths et du terme scandinave Gaut qui veut dire "Verseur de semence" .
Il est marqué par son histoire ...

Città e paesi a Mont-d'Astarac

Tour Porte et Eglise St Laurent

Mairie Au Village 32140 Mont-d'Astarac (Gers)
Tel : 05 62 66 04 70
Tower and Church dating the XVth century and registered on the Historic monuments of France. The Church contains magnificent murals which testify of the artistic craze in this corner of Gascony on the ...
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans le Gers é gratuito