Museums and exhibitions
    It is the emphasising of art and of culture. Museums in permanent or temporary exhibitions, here is so many choices allowing you to open in classical or contemporary art. Many thematic museums are to discover, they pay tribute to a job, a site or to a character.
14 in Midi Pyrénées.
Register your touristic spot in Midi Pyrénées it's free (in French)

Museum in Castres

Les Expos de Gaïa

Maria & Manu 6 rue Saint Benoît 81100 Castres (Tarn)
Phone : 3 35 63 70 71 43  - Mobile phone : 3 36 25 93 31 99
The Gaïa Expos offers to discover local artists: painting, sculpture, photography. This small space also hosts regional crafts: pottery, jewelry, restored furniture, decorative objects,...

Museum in Nègrepelisse

La cuisine, centre d'art et de design

Maurice Correcher, maire de Nègrepelisse Esplanade du château – 82 800 – Nègrepelisse 82800 Nègrepelisse (Tarn-et-Garonne)
Phone : 05 63 67 39 74
Exhibitions of contemporary art and design, workshops, events, visits…
picture of Maison  du Piage
  • **Tourisme-Entrée**

Museum in Fajoles

Maison du Piage

CC Haute Bouriane Le Bourg - 46300 FAJOLES 46300 Fajoles (Lot)
Phone : 05 65 37 06 85
The museum space of the Maison du Piage offers a journey back in prehistoric times between 40 000 and 30 000 years before our era, in the footsteps the last Neanderthals and early modern ...

Museum in Saint-Clar

Exposition Philippe Loubat

la Galerie de toutes les couleurs 2, place de la mairie 32380 Saint-Clar (Gers)
Phone : 05 62 66 34 45

Museum in Mazamet

Maison du Bois et du Jouet

Association Jouet-Haut-Bois Moulin de l'Oule 81200 Mazamet (Tarn)
Phone : 05 63 61 42 70
The wood House and the toy offers: - a discovery fun and interactive of the Montagne Noire, its forests, its history and its legends - an initiatory journey in the world of wood which, by the work of ...
picture of Abbaye-école de Sorèze/Musée Dom Robert et de  la tapisserie du XXe siècle
  • **Tourisme-Entrée de x a y**
  • **Tourisme-Entrée enfant de x a y**

Museum in Sorèze

Abbaye-école de Sorèze/Musée Dom Robert et de la tapisserie du XXe siècle

Virginie PETIT/Marie LE COZ 1 bis, Rue Saint Martin 81540 Sorèze (Tarn)
Phone : 05 63 50 86 38  - Fax : 05 63 50 86 00
Benedictine Abbey was founded in 754 at the foot of the Black Mountain. Throughout its history, the Abbey has undergone numerous changes : a seminary, a Royal Military School under the reign of Louis ...

Museum in Villefranche-de-Rouergue

Galerie sépia - ancien grenier à sel

Thuillier agathe 3 rue urbain cabrol 12200 Villefranche-de-Rouergue (Aveyron)
Phone : 05 65 45 57 68
Galerie Sépia is a cotemporary art gallery that shows famous artists'work like Louttre B., Roger Bissière or Gisèle Buthod-Garçon's work in an exceptionnal environnement. It is situated in the ...

Museum in Lisle-sur-Tarn

Musée Raymond Lafage

Anne-Marie Carrassus 10 rue Victor Mazies, 81310, Lisle-sur-Tarn 81310 Lisle-sur-Tarn (Tarn)
Phone : 05 63 40 45 45
Ce musée municipal crée en 1890, présente des collections d'arts graphiques autour de l'oeuvre de Raymond Lafage, enfant du pays, dessinateur du XVII ème siècle, et des oeuvres de peintres locuax ...
Register your touristic spot in Midi Pyrénées it's free (in French)