from October 15 2011 to October 16 2011COMDT
31000 Toulouse
(Haute-Garonne)5 rue du Pont de Tounis - 31000 Toulouse
Phone : 05 34 51 28 38
http://www.conservatoire-occitan.orgHosted by Sonia Onckelinx, Mary Magdalene and Françoise Laucoin Farenc-Vieussens will be proposed an approach involving the body in traditional dance by focusing on the work of support and the axis to allow everyone to "wear "his dance and" bring "to others, especially in the act of retransmission. (Support: various traditional dances known). Sonia Onckelinx is contemporary dancer and teacher of movement. She danced in several companies (Dominique Bagouet, Odile Duboc) and created his own shows, some inspired by the traditional dance. She is certified practitioner of the method FeldenkraisTm. It divides his time between teaching and creating movement. Françoise-Farenc Vieussens is a teacher in dance and dance project manager Comdt. Fascinated by the retransmission, it runs courses and workshops. Mary Magdalene is a musician and dancer Laucoin and supports regular workshops and dance workshops. Hours: Saturday from 14h to 18h and Sundays from 9:30 to 12:30 and from 14h to 16h.